What others have said

You’ve got to be kidding.  You’re actually going to say that [the title, that is].
—Alberta play director

Its about time somebody said it
-Indigenous performer

Amazing and inspiring story.  I am thankful that I read it
—Ontario Indigenous woman

The manuscript is explosive and will no doubt cause a huge stir.  I agree with all you have said.
Kainai Elder

We get it! [the title, that is]
—Two Alberta Indigenous women

A standing ovation at the Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs
—Board member

You have an important message … you really have an excellent book here with important Alberta history and social and political issues.  It could be adopted as a textbook.
—Former university professor

You’ve provided a narrative that runs counter to the mainstream, hobbled as it is by its own easy biases and assumptions.
—Former senior Alberta Legislature reporter

Fantastic title!  It makes you think.
—Museum curator

That is one awesome and interesting story.
—Former police chief

This is an amazing story, beautifully written, and it brought tears to my eyes.

Mike Mountain Horse’s example is a commendable way an Indigenous person dealt with the racism toward him.
—Mount Royal University honour graduate, sociology

You got it right!
—Black Canadian

Relating and discussing a racial incident is not racism.  Openly talking about these kinds of things is the first step to solving them.
—Former Israeli combat paratrooper

The title is not racist because they are Mike’s words.
—Young missionary in Southeast Asia

The title could be changed to “The Unkempt Indigenous Person”
—Female non-Indian athlete with Indigenous teammates

The title is a powerful message.
—U of C lecturer

Wow, I bet there is a story here to tell!
—Young son of a son of a soldier

Abrasive and courageous.
—Former Treaty 7 Chief

Extremely powerful heart wrenching story that needs to be told.
—Southern Alberta cattleman

I was very drawn into the narrative.  Wonderful work.
—Grandson of soldier in Mike’s Canadian Expeditionary Force 1917

Clearly a fascinating man.
—National theatre director

What a great tribute.  I’d love to see the play.
—Western Canada university blogger

The poem at the end could be the lyrics for a ballad.
—Southern Alberta philanthropist

You may be a year ahead of public interest or acceptance of your play being the vast majority of people have heard enough of indigenous demands and need a rest.
—A prominent Lethbridge leader

This is so very interesting. WOW.
—Young Indigenous mother